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Vaccine Fatality of Roman Astree

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  • Date of Death:
    June 13, 2021
  • Age at Death:

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Roman received his first shot 5/20/21. The week before his 2nd shot, he was not feeling well. They gave him the 2nd dose anyway on 6/10/21 (Thursday). On Saturday the 12th, he was taken to the ER and they put him on fluids. Shortly after this he went into cardiac arrest in the ER. He was placed on an ECMO machine around evening time and flown by helicopter from Lancaster General Hospital (PA) to Hershey Medical Center (PA). Upon arriving at Hershey, we were told the chances were very slim of him surviving. His organs were going into failure. They implanted an impella into his heart/chest to help keep the blood moving/flowing. We went home. We received a call around 4am to return, that he was not going to make it. A few hours later all his organs had failed and all life-sustaining machinery was stopped.

Roman only had 2 days after the 2nd dose and his passing. He complained of nausea and not feeling well, his chest hurt.

What would you like others to know?

Roman had two heart surgeries as a young child, age 1 and 3. The first one fixed a heart murmur and the 2nd one repaired a valve. He had been under observation annually but holding steady since then. When he passed the doctors all blamed it on his heart. The doctors acknowledge that he had just received the vaccine, but made to sure to point out "it's not related." I was discouraged from getting an autopsy. At this time I couldn't think rationally so I accepted what they said. I am upset that someone decided to give him the 2nd vaccine even though he was sick the week before, had heart issues, and didn't need it because he had recently had covid. I wanted reform. I contacted state reps, and various political people. Nobody wants to get involved. The PA Department of health official, Brenda Johnson called me to assure me that his death was "being investigated by the department of health" but I was not privy to the results, it was only for their own tracking purposes. This is when I realized there are things being hidden. I have not heard anything from any agency as a follow up - nothing from the PA department of health or VAERS. I applied to the CICP fund in August of 2021, by July of 2022 they finally put his case under review, but nothing since then. If you look at the data from the CICP fund, thousands have applied, but nobody has yet to receive compensation. Last spring I made a comment on a post from John Hopkins about getting your child the vaccine. I said I am not anti-vax, but I want the world to know that my 18 year old son passed away 2 days after the vaccine. I received a lot of support, but can you believe people claimed I was lying? Why would someone lie about that, my facts are in black and white. I am tired of the cover-up, and it is not right that all these lovely people have given their bodies for this science experiment that our government pushed on us.

How would you like your loved one to be remembered?

Roman was just about to start his life. He passed one week after high school graduation. He was on the spectrum and had ADHD, which made him unique. He ran a video game server that had thousands of subscribers, and has a Youtube channel called Reddking. He played trombone in his award winning high school marching band, the Hempfield Marching Knights. He loved his cats, especially Cheddar. A song was commissioned in his honor based off of a riff he composed for one of his video games, it is called "Roman's Riff" by Jim Colonna, and it can be purchased online.

  • I certify that I am an immediate family member of the deceased and have full rights to share my loved one's story of their vaccine death. The statements made in the above submission are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
  • I agree to allow React 19 to share my testimonial publicly on its website, social media, or webinar platforms. I further understand that my testimonial will be posted publicly and React 19 cannot prevent third-parties from sharing it once public.
  • I agree to notify React 19 immediately should I discover inaccuracies in my testimonial in order to maintain the integrity of React 19's advocacy platform.


  • Pfizer Vaccine:
    20 May 2021
    lot #: EW0178
  • Pfizer Vaccine:
    10 June 2021
    lot #: DW0180
  • Injury Date:

    12 June 2021
  • State/Region:

  • Country:


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